Google Phone app comes to more Android devices with verified calls

 google phone verified calls

Credit: Google
  • Google is bringing its Phone app to more Android phones starting this week.
  • Verified Calls is also rolling out to screen for spam and scams.
  • The call checks will initially be available in the US, Brazil, India, Mexico, and Spain.

After plenty of testing, Google’s new Phone app is reaching a wider audience — and it might just help you deal with a flood of spam calls. The internet giant has confirmed that the Google Phone app is coming to “even more” Android hardware starting later this week, along with Verified Calls.

Verified Calls isn’t like other call verification systems, which mainly check that the listed phone number is the real source of the call. Google’s approach instead shows when it has verified a business or institution. You’ll know if it’s really your bank calling, for instance. Callers can also provide reasons that will appear on your screen, such as a food order.

The feature will initially be available in the US, Brazil, India, Mexico, and Spain. Google hasn’t specified the exact devices getting the new Phone app. The feature has been in testing for a few months and will have the help of partners to get brands set up, including Bandwidth, Neustar, and Vonage.

The addition comes less than a year after Verified SMS, and largely pursues the same goals. It could help you ignore spam and scam calls, of course, but it also gives you a reason to use the Google Phone app instead of a third-party dialer. That could not only convince you to stick to Android, but to stick to phones that more closely reflect Google’s vision.

This could also have more shops cooperating with Google. If people are more likely to answer calls from verified businesses, companies might use Google’s services more often. That could be good news for you — don’t be surprised if your favorite eatery or store is easier to contact online.
